Swinomish Wellness
Wellness Challenges
- Complete and qualify for all four (4) Monthly Wellness Challenges and complete and qualify for at least one (1) of the Monthly Wellness Center and Activity Incentives (Wellness Center Gym activity visits, Outside Gym/Activity visits, or the Wellness Center visits)
- If all five (5) required qualifiers are met in a single month, you will receive a bonus $25 incentive on your paycheck

Anywhere Workout Monthly Challenge

- Qualify by completing 600 reps of the monthly workout for the given month
- Level up to 1200 or 1800 reps for added entries into the monthly drawings
- Monthly workouts are posted in the gym or on the Wellness Page of the TeamSite
- Record counts on the Anywhere Workout Challenge log in the gym
Stair Challenge

- 20 trips to qualify each month
- Level up to 40 or 60 trips for added entries into the monthly drawings
- Start at ground floor, climb to top floor, and return to bottom for one (1) trip
- Record trips on the Stair Challenge log located at the top of the stairwell
Roamabout Challenge

- 15 total miles to qualify each month
- Level up to 30 or 45 miles for added entries into the monthly drawings
- Activities that qualify for mileage include any combination of;
- Outside laps or treadmill; run or walk
- Rower
- Bike
- Elliptical
- Must be completed at work
- Before or after work, or on break (not during shift)
- Each tally mark equals one (1) mile
- Record miles on the Roamabout Challenge log in the gym
Mileage Masters Challenge

- 50 miles to qualify
- Every step of forward movement counts; hikes, walks, runs and any movement anytime throughout the day count
- On-shift, stair challenge, and walkabout challenge steps count
- Miles must be tracked on a wearable fitness tracker
- Mileage data report or screenshot must be submitted to qualify
- No reset each month
- Log a minimum of 100 miles three (3) months in a row to join the 100 Mile Club!
- Complete 12 months of 100+ miles to qualify for additional prizes!
Wellness Challenges
Bonus Awards
- Keep your progress up on the challenges; you never know when a bonus award will be coming!
Parking Space
- Qualify for at least two (2) or more challenges and earn an entry for each challenge
- Minimum two (2), maximum four (4)
- One (1) winner will be drawn from qualifying entries to be awarded a front parking space for the month
- If there are more than 51+ entries in a given month, two (2) winners will be drawn for the parking spot reward
Monthly Rewards
- Receive a qualifying entry for any of the four (4) challenges each month
- Receive additional entries for each level up on the Stair, Roamabout, or Anywhere Workout Challenges
- Every month there will be six (6) winners will be drawn
- Reward amount will depend on participation! More entries, more money!
- For 0-50 qualifying entries, six (6) winners will each receive $25
- For 51+ qualifying entries, the money doubles! Six (6) winners will each receive $50
- You may only win one (1) award per month
Wellness Activity Incentive
NEW Wellness Incentive program offers Team Members an incentive for registering and completing a fitness event.
- May be utilized for one (1) event per year
- The event must be a public organized fitness-oriented event such as a distance run/walk/hike/swim greater than a 5k; obstacle course races, CrossFit games, or other similar style event
- The Team Member shall submit both the registration receipt (showing event type and distance) and proof of completion of the event from a website or event printout in order to qualify
- Swinomish Casino & Lodge Padilla Bay 5k will qualify as an event with registration and proof of completion, however any other event sponsored by the Casino (Ragnar, Tough Mudder, etc.) will not qualify as an event for this incentive program incentive program
- Swinomish Casino & Lodge Padilla Bay 5k will qualify as an event with registration and proof of completion, however any other event sponsored by the Casino (Ragnar, Tough Mudder, etc.) will not qualify as an event for this incentive program incentive program
The incentive for the events will be based on tiers as outlined below;
Tier 1
- Any event of a 5k-9.9k distance, or equivalent
- $25 incentive
Tier 2
- Any event of a 10k-13 mile distance, CrossFit games, or similar style event
- $50 incentive
Tier 3
- Any event of a half marathon (13.1 miles) – 26.1 mile distance
- $75 incentive
Tier 4
- Any event of a marathon distance (26.2 miles) or greater
- $100 incentive
Gym Incentives
Swin Gym

- 8 visits per month to qualify
- Minimum of 30 minutes of continuous activity per visit
- Gym workout, Roamabout, and Stair Challenge will qualify if the workout is at least 30 minutes in length of continuous movement
- Sign in on the iPad in the gym to receive credit
Outside Gym or Activity

- 8 visits per month to qualify
- Minimum of 30 minutes of continuous activity per visit
- Must be tracked by a fitness tracker, activity log, or monthly gym report
- Activity logs/reports must be submitted by the 7th of each month to the Wellness box at Pamela Cook’s office in Admin, in order to receive credit
Insurance Preventative Incentive
Benefit Incentive
- Team Members will receive a $75 Incentive upon the completion of an annual preventative care exam, and submission of Proof of Documentation to HR
- Team Members must be insured by the Swinomish Casino & Lodge Standard or Economy plan
- …And all you have to do is get an annual checkup!
- What is a checkup…
- Mammogram, Colonoscopy, Pap Smear, Annual Physical exam, Preventative Screening that includes Cancer and diabetic screening, etc.
- What is Proof of Documentation:
- Visit summary, EOB from HMA or form provided by HR
- What is a checkup…
- Incentive is payable once per year
- Any questions or concerns please see Christina Adams in HR